Monday, July 14, 2014

Bicycle chain on the loose?

You feel the air hitting your face, your heart pounding like crazy with excitement, you continue to hold on tight to the handlebars while you watch the road unravelling in front of your eyes and you are thinking "I've got this!" as your bicycle is rolling down the hill. But before you can even blink a bump on the road appears and sends you flying for a couple of seconds in the air which just adds up to the excitement...!
...But then comes the landing, and as your bicycle hits the asphalt and you hear the sound, you immediately realise that your chain just slipped. But don't feel worried, this happens to all bicycle users! 

The one time that happened to me, it was when I was still a newbie and I was all alone heading to work, with absolutely no idea how to fix a slipping chain, especially one which also has a chain cover. So I just got frustrated and decided to walk my bicycle to the nearest open shop at that early time. For my good luck it was a hardware store and the owner was really polite and showed me a way to adjust my bicycle chain again that is easy and chain cover friendly. No need for a screwdriver also!

The steps

Step 1: You place the bicycle up against a wall or something as the kickstand usage will be an obstacle with this method.

Step 2: You just find something so you can protect your hand from getting dirty. I usually grab a piece of paper or a tree leaf as they're the most convenient for me. (In the pictures I wear gloves as I was home and I also had to first take the bicycle chain off on purpose which cannot be done without getting dirty).

Step 3: You just hold with your finger the chain on one of the chainring's teeth that is placed on the bottom part. 

Step 4: While still holding the chain on one of the chainring's teeth, you start to move the pedals backwards.

Step 5: Voila! Your chain is back on, I just roll the pedals backwards a couple of times again to just be sure.

Now you are free to continue the ride!
The next time that my chain slipped, I adjusted it myself in only 10 seconds! 

Let me know if that method worked for you!


  1. Very useful.. Thank you. Great blog in general !!!!

  2. In my bicycle rarely the chain slips, I think that happens because I only have 1 gear.
    My wife's bike is like yours though, next time I will try this!
