Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My saddle story

Once upon a time there was a shiny cream colored bicycle in front of a shop's window. A young woman wearing a ruby coat entered the shop and walked towards that particular bicycle. She pointed it with her finger and nodded to the bike shop owner who immediately understood what she wanted, as this wasn't the first time that young woman had entered his shop...

...The young woman filled with excitement looked at her new lovely bicycle and thought it was time to ride it. At first she intended to go only for a short trip around the neighborhood but instead she ended spending a whole hour riding around with her precious new bicycle. After finally returning home, she carried it inside as she hadn't bought a bicycle lock yet.
The next morning she decided to go for a ride again but this time she felt a little sore while sitting in the saddle. This was the first and also the last time she ever had that feeling. Fortunately the soreness quickly passed and the third day she felt great again while sitting in her bicycle's saddle. 

That was my saddle story! When buying the bicycle I was determined to replace the original saddle as I was sure that it wouldn't meet my expectations. But after trying it I realised it was a great match from the beginning. It is wide enough for sitting upright while riding and feeling comfortable, but not too wide. It has the right amount of cushion for me but also enough stiffness so I don't feel any loss off energy while riding.
Other people that bought the same bicycle might have found the saddle perfect too, others might have found it uncomfortable and changed it. Do not take into account anything that someone else is saying about a saddle, you should always test it yourself, as what feels comfortable to one might feel uncomfortable to another. Don't forget that everyone has a different bone structure, they're not all buttocks the same! 
I will only ask you one thing though, give your original saddle a chance before replacing it! I'm not saying that a leather saddle isn't nice. Actually I love leather saddles. What I'm saying is that most of the times you see people buying a new and rather expensive saddle from the start and after a while you see the same people complaining that their new leather saddle got soggy from the rain or stolen. With a vinyl one they wouldn't have a soggy problem even during the heaviest downpour and also they'd lowered their chances for their saddles to get stolen.
I know you are thinking "What about saddle covers?", and you're right! I'm using a saddle cover myself but for other reasons that I'll post in the future. Placing a saddle cover is easy, but trying using the saddle that came with the bicycle from the start is much easier. I just remind you that you also have this option!

How did you choose your bicycle saddle? Did you replace it immediately or after trial? 


  1. I`m still using my original saddle (not leather ;) )

  2. I've had lots of saddle "issues" and have tried many many different models. But the saddle that came with my new (very cheap) Viking Bromley -- which is used only for short journeys in central London -- is just fine. It's quite similar to yours, actually. :) Happy pedalling.

  3. I bought a used bicycle and the saddle that came with it was black and made of vinyl. Rain, snow and cold didn't damage it at all, even after 4 years, and it comfortable enough. I won't change the saddle soon.
