Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cycling through a jungle

Can't the city at least try to pretend it cares for people on bicycles?
Is that too much to ask? 
We know it's summer! We cyclists understand it better that anyone. We feel it right upon our skin every day, when the sunlight caresses our skin and helps us preserve our lovely tan. 
We observe it in nature, too! The trees are full of leaves and the weeds are growing wild. Usually we do not have any objections with these nature's acts, but when nature starts claiming the little space we've got for movement then we start to wonder...
...When will the city finally decide to clean the weeds? 
It is now officially August, the third and last month of the summer. Every time that question came up in the past the answer was "It's still early for that". But, is it?
They had to follow the trends and built "cycle paths" because there was an EU financial program that promoted cycling in cities and offered the founds for building cycling infrastructure.
Every citizen now is asking where these founds went, because surely they didn't spend them for bicycle infrastructure. Almost every part of the so called cycle-paths were already premade. (Even the brick path from a previous post that many of you e-mailed me telling how nice it was, in reality is the sidewalk that goes around an equestrian Club).
So deciding to take us out of the way and making us ride on the narrow pavement at the side of the street, after painting it red and naming it cycle path, and forcing us sharing the space with pedestrians, are some things that we cannot do anything about, even if it annoys us due to the fact that our travelling speed is different. But having to squeeze ourselves riding on a painted pavement with pedestrians while weeds are slapping our legs and faces, then no, we will not tolerate that. 
We might use bicycles for transportation, but that's not making us unimportant or less of a citizen. Bicycle users are citizens of this city! We have every right to not collide with anything in our ways. And because building a truly efficient and separate cycle path is out of the question, at least please, clean the paths from the weeds!

Are cyclists in your city considered as citizens or the city's council forgets about them?

1 comment:

  1. "But having to squeeze ourselves riding on a painted pavement with pedestrians while weeds are slapping our legs and faces, then no, we will not tolerate that."

    I imagine how it must be. Awful! Where I live we don't have wild plants but we have big holes on the cycle paths.
