Sunday, August 3, 2014

Daily commute

Every single morning I leave my house at approximately 8:30 a.m. and I pedal for 5,5 kilometers to finally arrive at my destination, which is the city center. It takes me about 20 to 25 minutes depending on my speed, the air direction and the traffic lights. During my commute I ride upon different variety of terrain.

At first there is some gravel.

Then there is asphalt.

There are also some hills. 

This is the part of my commute that it is pitch black after nightfall. When heading to town, it is easy to pass through. But when returning home, as I previously wrote here, it is scary and somewhat tiring, because I have to ride uphill.

...And some downhills.

A couple of kilometers later, I come across the cycle path, which is sadly constructed on the sidewalk. At least at this point it is made of asphalt. 

As you can see, after riding for 100 meters, the cycle path now it is made of tiles.

Some time later on, I find myself riding on bricks. 

And then on asphalt again. No more cycle paths here. I'm using the main street from this point.
Don't let the emptiness of the road to fool you, it is because the traffic light behind me is still red!
From that point, I didn't take any photos, as it was more difficult to do that when navigating through busy roads.

Sorry for the grayish photographs, it was a cloudy day!

But when finally I'm almost in the end of my ride, I ride through the pedestrian's shopping area. 
But I only do that because it is still very early and no one is walking. You see only bicycles here in this early hour.
And that was my daily commute. It is an 11 kilometers round trip. It is not perfect. It has it's difficulties mostly because bicycles aren't considered as vehicles and don't have any priority. Although it is my commute and that everyday riding just makes my day!

How long is your commute? Do you have cycle paths or do you ride in the streets?

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