Saturday, September 27, 2014

The first cold of the season

Fall is the season of extreme differences in air's temperature here in Greece. One minute the sun shines bright and you feel its warmth upon your skin and the other you suddenly find yourself in desperate need of a jacket. It is not so much that the degrees are low, but it is the constant changes of the temperature throughout the day that feel overwhelming. 
During the previous week, the temperature in the morning/evening was at 18°C and in the middle of the day it reached at 30°C. This temperature pattern continued till yesterday, and I was getting used to it. 
However today, morning's temperature was at 14°C. The air felt cold and it made my eyes tear. I wore a T-shirt, a cardigan and a jean jacket but the cold air managed to reach my body even despite all those layers. In the middle of the day the temperature didn't rise that much, it was only at 17°C and it rained constantly throughout the whole morning. It stopped to rain at 13:00 p.m. The fluffy clouds were all over the sky and they are until now, but they scattered a little bit. 
No need to describe how amazing the scenery is! I love this kind of weather! The near landscapes are more dramatic and the colors are magnificent. Last but not least, the wonderful scent of rain that fills up my nostrils completes the whole experience.
Now the temperature is at 15°C and the humidity is at 80% which makes it feel rather cold. 
I must say that today was the first cold of the season, as I felt my spine shivering regardless of all the cycling. Transitional weather can get a bit confusing, as one cannot be fully prepared. The weather conditions are unpredictable. 
Today was the day that I finally realised that we are heading towards the winter. I knew it is the end of September and that the fall season is here, but I didn't "feel" it until now, in spite of all the past storms.

I feel ready to welcome the cold weather. The first cold of the season is over and my body got its "shock" of the difference in temperature. Embracing lower temperatures can be a little overwhelming to some but only the first time is difficult. When the initial shock of coldness is over, then it becomes much easier. You know what to expect.

How do you feel now that it is cold outside?

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