Friday, January 2, 2015

The first snow of the season

The first snow of the season has finally come!

It started slowly. 
The very first snowflakes started to fall in the morning. 
They continued to fall all day long, but the sudden air drafts didn't let these little snowflakes to "grab" onto the ground.
The whole day passed and I was constantly found myself standing in front of the window. I love snow. I always have.
When it is snowing, there is a "kindness" in the atmosphere. 
I was observing how the little and fragile snowflakes landed on my hand. I then looked up to the sky...
...Eight hour's later. The night had approached. Gladly the snow was still falling and this time it had began to form an ethereal white dust onto the ground. 

It started to build up slowly but progressively. There was no doubt that a big blizzard was on its way, as the snow report showed on the weather forecast. 

The next day, the same street looked like this!

Isn't it wonderful?
The  city roads were constantly being cleaned from snow all night long, but the amount of snow that had fallen was over 70cm in height. Actually it was about 70cm to 1m according to the News. 

Sadly I couldn't ride my bicycle as its tires and structure aren't suitable for this kind of weather. However, tomorrow I will give it a go and attempt to ride, as most of the main roads are now clear of snow. I bet it will be difficult though, because it's the ice that I'm afraid of the most. And ice is invisible!

Have you ever ride upon snow and ice?