Sunday, October 19, 2014

Riding in the mist

We are in autumn's heart. 
The temperatures are dropping, the wind is getting chillier, the leaves are changing their color, from green they turn to a rich golden color, with orange and coppery hints. The days tend to be cloudy for longer and the migratory birds have already flown away. 
When I think of autumn, the images that come to my mind are the trees and the rain. I know and expect to ride in wet weather and I always keep in mind that these beautiful leaves, with their rich color, will soon fall from the trees' branches onto the ground, which will make it slippery. But one thing that every year I seem to forget is the mist.
The foggy cold days of last year are just a fade memory. Spring and summer have the ability to make me forget all about the autumn's mist. 
However riding in the mist is a common thing at this time of the season. Everything around seems like it's covered with a dense veil. The visibility decreases dramatically. 
Riding in the mist considers to be more dangerous than riding in the rain. Not only because others cannot see you, but because you can't see anything in front of you either. Bicycle lights are necessary when there is mist, as they help other users of the road to spot you, but they do nothing for improving your eyes' visibility. You need to be extra careful when you ride in the mist. Routes that are so familiar, suddenly seem to be strange and foreign.

A dense mist has also the ability not only to cover the surroundings but to drown any sound, too. When being alone, the absence of noise feels so calming. You can no longer to hear any birds or the rustling of the leaves. You can only hear your own breathing and the rolling sound generated from your bicycle's wheel. 
But as dangerous as it might be, riding in the mist feels so nice. It is like you're in another world. When there is mist, people suddenly disappear, you're left alone, riding your bicycle, trying to see far into the horizon, but with no success. 

However do not be afraid, the mist will eventually fade away, bringing back all the colors and the sounds. People will reappear too. 

When this dense veil fades, all the fears of the fog are fading away along with it.


  1. Fog is tricky. You have to be really careful even if you think you're riding alone!

  2. Fog is like darkness, beautiful but the same time spooky! Fotos (cool) remembering me Silent Hill atmosphere!

  3. haha.. @Razast4 its true. great game
