Today morning, when I was returning home after finishing a couple of errands, I came across a surprise. The city has finally decided to cut out all the branches and the bushes that were extended through the fence into the bicycle path.
We were complaining and asking for this since summer, and they finally decided it was time to cut them.
I know that this time of fall is the pruning season, but they could do this earlier. It is not that we want these branches to grow again, so they could cut them out beforehand. But anyway, I'm happy as from tomorrow we all will be able to ride there free of weeds and without leaves slapping our legs and faces.
However, I am still sad as I realise with this action that city's people still simply do not care about people on bicycles.
It is not that our complaints were heard, it is just pruning season. You see these workers scattered all around the city, cutting the trees and reshaping the bushes.
Weeds happened to be on the cycling path, and the city happened to cut them out. They still do not do anything that will upgrade the cycling experience into the city.
And this is sad, as courtesy in the roads from motor vehicles is present, but city's efforts towards cyclists aren't.
Usually it is the opposite that happens. Many fellow riders emailed me, asking questions about the cycling experience here in Volos and Greece in general. They seemed surprised that I ride into the streets and navigate through other motor vehicles with ease. They can't understand how it is possible for a car to wait for you, the cyclist, to pass first through the intersection and that at nights a simple lighting system with a front and a rear light is efficient.
When I'm reviewing the situation from their sides, then I'm happy to live in Volos. I'm happy that I am able to ride freely into the roads. I'm happy that keeping priority applies to both cars and bicycles and everyone seems to obey to that traffic rule. I'm just happy riding a bicycle here, even if the city's attitude impedes in people on bicycles.
I'm happy other citizens aren't discourage at all and still use their bicycles for transportation.
I'm happy that here there was since the past and still is up to the present time a bicycle culture even without the infrastructure.
Do you feel there is a bicycle culture where you live and ride?
These bike paths are a tragity